Okay so first post of 2010. We have been busy and it is about to get busier. March is crazy for our family with anniversaries and birthdays. I can't believe my baby is about to turn six. Sometimes I wish I could just freeze time and enjoy her for longer at that age.
Well, lets see...... I didn't write for January because well I don't think anything happened. LOL I think we were just busy getting ready for February. We took a vacation! Oh Wait of Coarse something happened. How could I forget? We got a new nephew. Baby Ethan was born Jan 25th. Such a cutie. He looks just like his daddy. He is a minature version of Drew. Abby had fun holding him. And so did Gabe and I. I forgot how small babies are.
We went to Sedona Arizona. We have a timeshare thing so we make sure we take a vacation every year. We get to stay in some pretty incredible places. We had a great condo with two pools, unfortunately it was too cold to use the outdoor one but everyone had fun in the indoor one. We had some friends come with us. It was great to have friends for Abby to
play with. Gabe and I enjoyed having friends to play games with and chat with too. We went on hikes, saw Indian ruins, played miniature golf (Abby won), and visited a ghost town. We even ate at a place called the Haunted Hamburger.
The red rocks in Sedona were absolutely beautiful. We were lucky to have it rain at night and be sunny during the day so we could go out and enjoy the beauty. We went and saw an arch with all the kids and it turned out to be a longer hike than we expected. Instead of 2 miles it ended up being around 5 miles. Surprisingly the kids did really well. Gabe, Abby, and I hiked to the top of a plateau and were able to see over the entire Sedona valley. It was breathtaking. Although, Abby and I are afraid of heights so it was a little nerve racking hiking along the ridge and walking along the edge of the plateau. But, we did get some amazing pictures and we enjoyed time together as a family.
We had a lot of fun at the ghost town, even though Abby did NOT like the name of it. LOL It was Jerome Arizona, an old mining town witch is now just an artsy tourist place. It was fun to walk through the old buildings. It was crazy because the whole town is built on the side of a mountain. So it was extremely steep and we walked a lot of stairs.
Abby declared that Arizona was fun but she would rather play in the neighborhood pool than drive 9 hours to go to the one in Arizona. LOL
My work has decided to give me 10 hours a week. Witch gives us a little spending money and gives me some time to visit with grown ups. I only go when Abby is in school so it works out perfectly. I am really grateful for my work and with them working with me through the last 9 years and all our family changes.
We have a new Adoption worker, Emily. She is great. Gabe and I really like her and I think she will really help us in getting a new addition to our family. Abby is really wanting to have a brother or sister. Especially since Drew and Katie had a baby this last month. And she really likes holding him. Ethan looks just like uncle Drew.
Josie, Gabe's sister, also left on her mission to New Jersey this month. She is going to be a great missionary. It was fun to see how excited she was. We just hope that Venus will be able to adjust to not having her there.
Well that is all for now. Next months post will be exciting because Abby is having a birthday party and Gabe and I are going on a Mexican vacation(sort of). Chat ya next time.
1 comment:
Looks like you have all been having a great time! Looks like fun!
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