Okay so it is 15 days into January and I need to reflect back to December. Humm where do I start? Let's see.....
We love December at our house. All the fun festivities and friends and family. We got the house decorated and beautiful for Christmas. Even Sarah(Abby's cousin) came and helped put ornaments on the tree. Sarah, Abby, and I had a blast. While I put the lights on they kept yelling down the stairs "is it time yet." When I finally said "Ready" the noise and the commotion from two little girls and a barking dog could be heard all the way to Australia. LOL Oh and of coarse they came down in the most terrifying red lipstick. LOL
Abby had fun at school. They did the 12 days of Christmas for the kids. Everyday she would bring home a little something like 4 Swedish fish or 10 tootsie rolls. It was fun to see the excitement in Abby's face everyday. The school did the annual Christmas sing along. I went and cried like a baby. I mean she only sang Jingle Bells and Up on the Housetop. But there I was crying. Guess I was just so proud of my little one.
Abby met Santa for the first time this year. She was nervous. She didn't even know he was in the room and then turned around and froze. She then came running over to me. Santa then began talking to her and telling her all about how he knew she was in gymnastics and how he knew she was a good girl. She slowly became more at ease and then began urging all her cousins to talk to Santa. What was so funny was when I got up I noticed that my lap was a little wet. She must have got so scared that she wet her pants. LOL Perhaps next year she won't be so nervous and scared.
I worked all of December to cover for maternity leave of one of the girls at the north office. It was fun to celebrate in all the activities. It took a little time to get back into the groove but after a week I was done being yelled at for silly little things and was back to being perfect. LOL I miss chatting with my boss Mary everyday. She is definitely a caring and sweet person and a good friend. Although I must say the drive was NOT fun. Of coarse Zo had to have her baby when it snows, so my 40 minute drive to work became 1.5 hours+. That was not fun at all. But I survived and am here to tell the tale.
We had the annual family party for my side here at our house again and it turned out well. The night before Abby and I went to Grandmas and Grandpas to help make cinnamon rolls. That was way fun. We just love our Grandparents they are the best. At the party we played the traditional white elephant cereal game which is always so much fun. Abby got her Cheerios and Wheaties and Gabe got his Life cereal. Its crazy how we can fight over a silly box of cereal. BUT WE DO! LOL
I decided to start an annual breakfast for friends since we never seem to fit each other in around Christmas time. We had 4 couples show up which wasn't bad. Hopefully next year the word will spread and we will have many more.
Christmas morning was fun. It was so exciting to see Abby come down and be excited about Santa. She wakes up about 8, WOOHOO, and sneaks downstairs, peaks into the living room, then comes and wakes Gabe and I up. She always loves to see the stockings hung on the railing and has to tell us that Santa came and put stuff in them when she first comes in our room. Christmas was good this year. We all were quite spoiled.
We went to Gabe's family at 11 and celebrated with them. Santa brought them a karaoke machine. Even I got up and sang. It was pretty fun. Josie and Giselle got up and sang back up for me. Gabe and Drew were excited to pick through all the songs and see how bad they could hash them. LOL
At my parents house we were yet again spoiled. Abby and Sarah played and played. They had a great time. And we stayed late playing wii with Sean who is a hoot. I have some blackmail pictures to show what a goon he is. We laughed and played until almost 11:30.

New Years was the best. We had a party and had our friends Andy and Camille with their kids and Kimmy and Bill over. We played wii games all night for the chance at winning a silly trophy.
Andy and Camille got it this year. And the kids got to open a box every hour which was filled with games and activities for them to play and do. It kept them busy most the night. It was great for the adults too. At midnight we drank sparkling cider and popped balloons filled with confetti. Abby asked why everyone was kissing. It was pretty silly. So I told her it was because we want to start the year off right with the ones we love. Showing them how much we love them. Then Gabe and I looked at each other and went running after Abby who took off running and giggling till we caught her and gave her a big kiss too. It was a great end to a rough year.
Here's to 2010 and the wishes that it will be amazing.*cheers*
Abby had fun at school. They did the 12 days of Christmas for the kids. Everyday she would bring home a little something like 4 Swedish fish or 10 tootsie rolls. It was fun to see the excitement in Abby's face everyday. The school did the annual Christmas sing along. I went and cried like a baby. I mean she only sang Jingle Bells and Up on the Housetop. But there I was crying. Guess I was just so proud of my little one.
I worked all of December to cover for maternity leave of one of the girls at the north office. It was fun to celebrate in all the activities. It took a little time to get back into the groove but after a week I was done being yelled at for silly little things and was back to being perfect. LOL I miss chatting with my boss Mary everyday. She is definitely a caring and sweet person and a good friend. Although I must say the drive was NOT fun. Of coarse Zo had to have her baby when it snows, so my 40 minute drive to work became 1.5 hours+. That was not fun at all. But I survived and am here to tell the tale.
We had the annual family party for my side here at our house again and it turned out well. The night before Abby and I went to Grandmas and Grandpas to help make cinnamon rolls. That was way fun. We just love our Grandparents they are the best. At the party we played the traditional white elephant cereal game which is always so much fun. Abby got her Cheerios and Wheaties and Gabe got his Life cereal. Its crazy how we can fight over a silly box of cereal. BUT WE DO! LOL
I decided to start an annual breakfast for friends since we never seem to fit each other in around Christmas time. We had 4 couples show up which wasn't bad. Hopefully next year the word will spread and we will have many more.
We went to Gabe's family at 11 and celebrated with them. Santa brought them a karaoke machine. Even I got up and sang. It was pretty fun. Josie and Giselle got up and sang back up for me. Gabe and Drew were excited to pick through all the songs and see how bad they could hash them. LOL
At my parents house we were yet again spoiled. Abby and Sarah played and played. They had a great time. And we stayed late playing wii with Sean who is a hoot. I have some blackmail pictures to show what a goon he is. We laughed and played until almost 11:30.
New Years was the best. We had a party and had our friends Andy and Camille with their kids and Kimmy and Bill over. We played wii games all night for the chance at winning a silly trophy.
Here's to 2010 and the wishes that it will be amazing.*cheers*
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