Utah football has begun!!! Gabe and I have season tickets and we Love to go! This year we had a great season aside from a couple of games(TCU, Notre Dame). And we barely beat BYU. I was going to go to the game but, I kept having a dream that I was giving my ticket to the Utah vs. BYU game to my neighbor. The day before I told Gabe what I was thinking and decided to send Gabe and Peter to the game. Connie and I watched at her house. We went to dinner at our traditional pre-game place (Chunga's YUM!) then the boys headed to the game. They had a great time as did Connie and I. A real nail biter. I almost can't believe we pulled it off. Now we are waiting for the bowl game against Boise. Ugh! Oh well party at my place Right?

Halloween was a lot of fun. Abby chose to be a robber this year. She was so cute. We also had our annual murder mystery dinner. This year we did Chinese take-out. Bill and Kimmy, and Dallin and Cami joined us this year. Their costumes were fun. Gabe tried all night to sound like an old Chinese man. It was pretty funny. It was a lot of fun and the food was delish!

Our Neighbors also have an annual murder mystery dinner. Theirs is quite a bit different then the ones we have been doing. They go all out! It was amazing. She worked so hard on the decorations and theme and food. It was a 1920's mobster speakeasy thing. They have about 25-40 people there. Gabe was the Mayor and I played the mayors wife. I was a little intimidated. It has been so long since I had to full out play a character; and around people I didn't know. Maybe if we get invited next year I will be a little more relaxed. Gabe did really well. He played it up and had a lot of fun.

Abby entered the Reflections contest at her school. She chose photography as her category. I was so proud of her. She got 15th place in the whole school. This is her picture of the clouds.

Abby got a new dresser and she was so excited to put it together. She was all over the place as we were getting the pieces figured out. When we finally gave her some tools she was in heaven.

Gabe has been complaining about how the walls and the ceilings in our house are all the same color. He really wanted to paint the ceiling white. SO... while he was gone on business I purchased a paint sprayer and away I went at the kitchen ceiling. Thank goodness for the help of my grandparents or I never would have gotten it done in time. He was pretty surprised. I said that it was his Christmas present. I don't really notice a difference but, he seems to think its great.

I have the most AWESOME husband in the whole world! For my birthday he planned a trip to San Diego to see the Utes play. I was pretty excited. We drove the whole way so on the way down we spent a night in Vegas. I hoped we could do something fun. When we got there he told me he had a surprise for me. I had to see what it was before we got there or else I would figure it out. He handed me a piece of paper in the parking lot. When I opened it I screamed so loud everyone in the parking lot stared. He got tickets to see the Lion King! I LOVE LION KING! I was totally bummed when they came to Salt Lake and I wasn't able to see it. And when I knew it was going to be in Vegas when we were there I thought that fate was just torturing me. But lo and behold Gabe had the whole thing planned for months. And he kept it a secret! What an awesome guy. Lion King was absolutely amazing and I am so glad I got a chance to see it.
We went to parent teacher conferences this month too. I just love Abby's teacher she is so cute. Abby loves her too and is doing so well in her class. Gabe and I are so proud of Abby she made it on the Honor Roll for both academics and citizenship. Way to go Abby!

Our neighbors were headed out of town for Thanksgiving and asked us too keep an eye on their house. On Tuesday, when they headed out, a huge blizzard hit. They had to come back home. I felt so bad and wanted to do something for them. They said they would be able to take care of dinner. Wow in one day! I told Gabe that I wanted to do something for them and he had no idea what to do either. About 15 minutes later I got onto Facebook and found out that I had won $50.00 for a floral centerpiece for Thanksgiving. I called the shop the next day and asked them to make me two that would cover the $50.00. When I picked them up they were amazing! Our neighbors were so excited and I was glad I could do a little something to help with their impromptu Thanksgiving.

The tree is up and decorated and we can't wait for Christmas. We had our family pictures taken by our other neighbor who is a photographer. She is amazing. Although it was FREEZING we still got some really good photos. Abby's is my favorite!
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