Abby and I had fun while Dad was gone. We had a birthday dinner for Grandpa and we had fun making him a red velvet cake. We also headed to the Olive Garden when Gabe got back and that was super yummy and we loved seeing my BFF Paige there.
It was also conference weekend and we were very edified by the talks given. I felt very touched by the talks this year and felt they hit home a lot more than in past conferences for me. On Sunday we had fun as a family with conference. We played conference BINGO and whomever won got a back rub. Guess who won?......ABBY LOL. She though that was the greatest thing ever.
It was also conference weekend and we were very edified by the talks given. I felt very touched by the talks this year and felt they hit home a lot more than in past conferences for me. On Sunday we had fun as a family with conference. We played conference BINGO and whomever won got a back rub. Guess who won?......ABBY LOL. She though that was the greatest thing ever.
Easter was great as well. The Easter Bunny brought goodies and toys and movies. Abby was excited because our neighbors gave us one of their old bikes and Gabe and I gave it to her for Easter. It is a little big for her still but she tries. When she has to stop instead of putting her foot down she JUMPS off. It is pretty funny. We had Easter dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Browns. WOW it was crazy at their house with 33 people in their little house. But we all managed to have a great time. I mean who wouldn't with Grandma and Grandpas cooking. They had an Easter egg hunt in their backyard for all the kids and Abby looked so pretty in her Easter dress. There was about 20 kids and one little girl didnt get any eggs. She was really shy and didnt run out to grab any. I was surprised at the older kids who had about 20 eggs; they didnt even share. Abby overheard them say someone didnt get any eggs and one girl only got 1. she dung into her bag ( she had about 8) and gave 2 to each girl. No one told her to she just did it on her own. I can't believe the compassion she has for others. It makes me smile. She is a great kid.

Oh my goodness and we ended the month with me crying. Not out of sadness, well maybe a little. Abby got invited to her first sleepover party. I mean I have no problem with Grandmas and Grandpas or Aunts and Uncles BUT a big girl sleepover party? I cant believe she is so big. I didn't cry when she went to school but this hit me like a rock. Thank goodness for my friend Shanna who called me just after I dropped her off. Shanna must have known I needed to talk. Gabe just laughed. But geeze our little girl is becoming so grown up. Abby had a GREAT time at the party and said she wants to go again sometime.
We had a neighborhood BBQ and that was a lot of fun. The food was yummy and we enjoyed getting to know our neighboors better. Abby played and had a great time with all the kids. Even Gabe Played with the kids. It was fun to see them all laughing and tackling Gabe. It was about 6 kids to 1 Gabe.
We had a teacher prep class for primary. WOW our stake primary worked really had to help all us teachers. It was an awesome meeting and I think all in attendace left feeling better prepared to teach our Little Ones.
I went to a Relief Society program with my friend Sheridyn. Her sister-in-law performs for a group called the Sisters Supreme. That was so fun. Those ladies have a blast performing and Sheridyn is so fun to watch because she likes to sing and dance along. I just love her.
My friends Kim and Travis came for dinner and games. Wow it has been forever since I seen them. They looked great and we had a lot of fun. Even Abby played Pictureka with us.
I finally decided to become a Stampin Up demonstrator. Wow I am so excited. I am creating and playing with all my new stuff and can't wait to hold a party. I have a card group scheduled every month for a year so that will be a blast. And so many cool people are going to be there some I havent seen in 14 years. Wow Exciting. If you want to hold a stamin up home party let me know I would love to come and play.
We got to babysit our nephew Ethan. That was so fun. He is such a good baby and we enjoyed holding him and playing with him. Although aunt Katie teased us by putting a blue football onesie on him. Next time she better watch out because we are putting a Utah onesie on him. LOL
This last week we had a huge wind storm come through. Out of all weather I dislike wind the most. This storm was brutal. It blew all my things off my porch, up rooted my flowers, and my newly bloomed tulips broke or lost all their petals. My porch swing was not hanging vertical but horizontal in the wind which terrified me cause the car was behind it. I was afraid that it woud come loose and land on the car. Geepers. I am glad its over.
All in all it has been a pretty good month. We are crossing our fingers come June that Gabes work will work out. If not we might be changing jobs. Wow! Lots ahead.
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