Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 2009

Wow It has been awhile since I posted! Lots has happened. In December we went on a cruise. It was fun; more or less. Abby loved washing her hands everywhere we went and playing in the hot tub. Gabe and I liked the stops and getting off of the boat. I dont think we will cruise again. Just stick to hotels where we can explore. Gabe did talk me into going on a Rhino tour in Cabo and believe it or not I liked it! We rode along the beach and were able to see whales off in the distance it was beautiful and amazing.

We had an excelent Utah Football season where we went 13-0. Yipee! We had fun going to all the games and having a bowl party at our house. We even went to the parade and had a great time. Abby asked if we could go to the parade every day. Guess she had a good time.

Money is a little tight this quarter and we are hoping that tings will look up soon. An error in payroll over payed Gabe last quarter now we have to pay it back. Not fun, but we keep praying that things will work out.

Abby tried going to dance for two months and liked it a little. So now that she is five she has to choose a type of dance to go into(ie:ballet, jazz, hip hop). She chose gymnastics! She relly likes getting to go with the big kids and being in the big gym. Who knows maybe we'll have a master gymnast on our hands. She has already mastered the head stand. She is also loving to work on the bars.

So far no one has looked at our adoption profile. A little discouraging but we know that the Lord is watching over us and waiting till the right time. Abby is still convinced that she is going to get multiple siblings. Gabe even had a dream that we got three. Wow! We just keep hoping and praying and trying to get the word out amongst our friends and family that we are trying to adopt. We are even trying to network through facebook. We'll just have to wait and see.

Abby is turning five this month and she is so excited. I can't believe that my baby is growing up. We even get to go to kindergarten orientation next week. With her in school hopefully I can work some and earn a little more income and go to school. I would love to graduate sometime in the next century.

Gabe is training for yet another marathon. He has already paid to do the Bear Lake run and so I guess we are off to Bear Lake in June. I have never been there so it will be an adventure for me as well. He is working hard and trying so hard at work to bring home the bacon. Sometimes he doesn't get home till 7 and we miss having dinner with him. But as soon as work is looking up a bit we will get back to normal. We are just glad that I am able to still stay home with Abby. And stay in this wonderful house and neighborhood.

We got a new calling in our ward. We teach the 8-9 year olds. We love those kids. They are so fun and each has such a wonderful personality. We are learning about the Doctrine and Covanants this year. Gabe and I are learning just as much as they are I think. Gabe seems to be the goof off in class and he tends to get the warnings just as much as the other boys in the class. Stinker!

Abby is really enjoying preschool. She gets to do lots of projects. She even gets to go on field trips. She got to go to the firestation last month and had a good time. She was so excited to show me her fireman badge sticker and pencil. She is so big.

I actually did it!! I had my own Craft Camp and it seemed to go over pretty well. I had 22 RSVP. Only 14 came but still I was surprised at the turn out. Everyone can't wait for the next one. My boss and my step mom sat and discussed how they thought that this was my calling and how I should start my own buisness doing craft camps. I thought it was funny how they both just sat down together and discussed my future without me even there. I have thought about it some, but I just haven't got that motivated bug yet. We will see if these camps keep being a sucess maybe I will have a future doing it.

Oh, one other exciting thing happened since last post, my Grandma and Grandpa moved up here from St. George. Just about 2 miles away. Still in the same neighborhood. Abby is absolutely loving it and loves to go play at Grandma Joyces. I love to go visit and have someone close that I can rely upon. Grandpa is great for helping me out with projects and Grandma is my scraping buddy. And Nixen, our dog, has just as much fun over there. He loves to play with his friends Noodles and Sasha (gradmas dogs). He jumps in the car and runs from each window to make sure we are going the right way to Grandmas.

Well I guess I should be off doing some housework. So there is my post for now. Until next time TATA!