Speaking of neighbors we have the Smiths that moved two houses down and they have three boys. Abby loves to play over there with Dawson and his brothers. And I have a card-making buddy. Suzy signed me up to be part of her card group that meets once a month. It is really fun and I love being able to have a girls night out.
We had a Super Saturday in relief society and I was in charge of the card making. I had lots of fun making and organizing...and shopping for my group. It seemed like it turned out well. I took Grandma Joyce with me and I think she had fun making things too.
And who can forget...Twilight! I bought my ticket early and made sure I took the day off work. LOVED IT! Although I believe I have changed teams. Team Jacob. LOL Giselle drove all the way from Payson to go with me and celebrate my birthday. It was great, love my sis-in-law.
"Once upon a time a mother and a father wanted
Just imagine little Abby's voice and it just makes this talk come alive. Gabe and I cry from joy every time we hear it or even if it just mentioned. (ball babies LOL) That was the highlight of our month and that joy just keeps spreading onto the other days.
Thanksgiving was nice. It was just Gabe, Abby, and I, my parents, Sean , Valisha, and Gram and Gramp Brown. It was small this year in numbers But you can never go wrong with Gram and Gramps cooking. They are the best. I can't believe they are in their 80's and still going strong. They didn't even want help. We love them so much.
Well we are getting the Christmas decorations up and next month I'll tell you more about that. Thanks for following this goofy blog. Keep us in mind if you see an adoption opportunity. Love you all.